Good review, Abe. I enjoyed the book (known about it since Frank Zappa's experimental tune It Can't Happen Here off his first album Freak Out!), thought it was a page turner, well plotted. You can tell much of the detail on the mechanics of creeping fascism came from his wife's journalistic forays into fascist Europe, in particular the casual brutality (the castor oil enemas were a specialty of Mussolini's Blackshirts). The MMs are a particular shock to the system, all wrapped up in patriotic American symbology (the Tea Party, the Three Percenters, ect.) to the end of something deeply unpatriotic and profoundly unAmerican, the way his uncouth, immoral handyman was so easily seduced by them.

I also like the latter part of the book when it became a resistance story. Doremus Jessup is an unlikely hero, middle aged, not a terribly fit specimen, the product of a genteel Yankee elite. The sort of guy who lived to do what we do, which is write and publish desperate warnings. But in his own way he becomes a guerilla fighter, doing all he can, what little he can do, to keep the flame of democracy alive. I liked his female support, his gearhead daughter and his lady friend. The ending is tentative to be sure, but also hopeful. I'd recommend this book to anyone plagued by our current timeline.

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Per your request, my general opinion of your blog is that it may be too narrow in scope. It's also a topic which is so popular today that you are in competition with thousands of others with the same viewpoint. In my view, all this name calling, labeling folks as fascist is overblown, and so many are doing it, the topic is not at all unique.

Also, your page is relatively new. It takes time to establish a following if that is your desire. It will remain if you so choose, as an archive of your opinions for posterity. Keep that in mind when you post items that may have a short shelf life. Ten years from now, all this name calling and labeling of groups of citizens and leaders will likely be the subject of many a comedian's repertoire.

If everyone considered what they are writing as a legacy for future generations, they would be much more careful not to make asses of themselves. The internet would be a much more cordial and sane place.

I enjoy our conversations, and hope we can continue dialogue. Please don't take this critique as anything more than an honest opinion offered constructively.

Thank you friend!

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Thank you for enlightening me. I hadn't heard of this book before, or the description of how easily American democracy could be replaced by fascism. Prophetic and scary.

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Thanks Alan for your interest and your comments.

I'm new to this newsletter writing, but I think it's an important topic for our times, and even though I have my own opinion of what's happening, I try to bring perspective by reviewing books on the topic, and trying to back up my claims with evidence. And trying not to fall into what our fellow-subscriber GandalfGrey calls name calling and labelling people. If my own opinions and writing don't influence anyone, maybe these books I'm reviewing will have an affect. Anyway, thanks again for subscribing and commenting. And I hope you find the latest article (on Marjorie Taylor Greene) both informative and entertaining. Because politics is becoming entertainment after all.

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